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Engineering Software Products

1st Published, 2020


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Engineering Software Products (Paperback)

TK. 1,083

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Product Specification & Summary

with engineering software products, author Ian sommerville takes a unique approach to teaching software engineering and focuses on the type of software products and apps that are familiar to students, rather than focusing on project-based techniques. Topics covered include personas and scenarios, cloud-based software, microservices, security and privacy and devotees. The text is designed for students taking their first course in software engineering with experience in programming using a modern programming language such as Java, Python or Ruby
. . Current topics—cloud computing, microservices, security and privacy, and devotees — are covered that are not discussed in other software engineering texts
. The book is written in an informal style with many illustrative examples, diagrams and tables, key points and exercises for each br>chaptercovers methods and techniques that are used in the development of off-the-shelf, software products
. Current topics—cloud computing, microservices, security and privacy, and devotees — are covered that are not discussed in other software engineering texts
. The book is written in an informal style with many illustrative examples, diagrams and tables, key points and exercises for each br>Chapter
Title Engineering Software Products
ISBN 9789353949471
Edition 1st Published, 2020
Number of Pages 356
Country India
Language English

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Engineering Software Products

Ian Sommerville

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