The official Lab Companion of the IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems course within the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Maps directly to the most current version of the Web-based course Includes hands-on exercises that reinforce what the student has learned Prepares students for CompTIA's Server certification Cisco Networking Academy Program: IT Essentials II, Network Operating Systems Lab Companion complements both the online course offered by the Cisco Networking Academy Program and the corresponding Companion Guide. This title allows students to perform all the lab tasks related to the IT Essentials II online course curriculum. The IT Essentials Network Operating Systems course is designed to be an intensive introduction to server hardware, multi-user, multi-tasking operating systems and networked operating systems. Students explore a variety of topics, including: HW upgrades/configuration, installation procedures, security issues, back up procedures and remote access. Command line and graphical operating systems will also be covered. This title prepares students for the Server Certification Exam through the use of hands-on lab exercises that will reinforce what the student has learned from both the online curriculum and the Companion Guide.
IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems Lab Companion