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Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals Of UNIX Lab Companion

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Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals Of UNIX Lab Companion (Paperback)

TK. 5,342

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Product Specification & Summary

The only authorized lab workbook for the Fundamentals of UNIX course within the Cisco Networking Academy Program! Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals of UNIX Lab Companion includes hands-on lab exercises to allow you to apply what you have learned. In addition to written lab activities, there are Web-based research projects and guided field studies. In each case, real-world examples are used to exemplify how the learned knowledge is relevant. This title is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program and is the companion lab workbook for a one-semester course on UNIX Fundamentals. Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals of UNIX Lab Companion is the lab companion to the Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals of UNIX Companion Guide. It contains lab activities to reinforce key concepts, and it allows you to apply what you have learned both from the Companion Guide and the Web-based curriculum. Its content and chapters correspond directly to the Companion Guide. Includes hands-on lab exercises to allow students to apply what they have learned. Aside from written lab activities, there will be web-based research projects and guided field studies. In each case, real-world examples will be used to exemplify how the learned knowledge is relevant.
Title Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals Of UNIX Lab Companion
ISBN 9781587130458
Edition 1st Edition, 2001
Number of Pages 256
Country India
Language English

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Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals Of UNIX Lab Companion

Cisco Networking Academy Program

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