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CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks

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CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks (Paperback)

TK. 34,029

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CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks(ONT 642-845) Lab Portfolio David Kotfila • Joshua Moorhouse • Ross G. Wolfson, CCIE® No. 16696 CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks (ONT 642-845) Lab Portfolio provides you with opportunities for hands-on practice with optimizing and providing effective QoS techniques in converged networks operating voice, wireless, and security applications. Topics also include implementing a VoIP network, specific mechanisms for implementing the DiffServ QoS model, AutoQoS, wireless security, and basic wireless management. Those preparing for the Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks (ONT 642-845) certification exam should work through this book cover-to-cover. Or, if you need to quickly review configuration examples, you can go directly to the relevant chapter. CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks (ONT 642-845) Lab Portfolio includes 21 Labs built to support v5 of the Optimizing Converged Networks course within the Cisco® Networking Academy® curriculum, providing ample opportunity to practice. 2 Challenge and Troubleshooting Labs have been added to the core curriculum labs to test your mastery of the topics. 1 Case Study to give you a taste of what is involved in a fully functioning network, covering all the technologies taught in this course. Even if you do not have the actual equipment to configure these more complex topologies, it is worth reading through these labs to expand your thinking into more complex networking solutions. David Kotfila, CCNP®, CCAI, is the director of the Cisco Networking Academy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York. Joshua Moorhouse, CCNP, recently graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a bachelor of science degree in computer science, where he also worked as a teaching assistant in the Cisco Networking Academy. He currently works as a network engineer at Factset Research Systems. Ross Wolfson, CCIE® No. 16696, recently graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a bachelor of science degree in computer science. He currently works as a network engineer at Factset Research Systems.
Title CCNP Optimizing Converged Networks
ISBN 9781587132162
Edition 1st Edition, 2008
Number of Pages 288
Country India
Language English

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