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Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide

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Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide (Hardcover)

TK. 18,520

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Product Specification & Summary

The only authorized Companion Guide for the Cisco Networking Academy Program New and improved features help you study and succeed in this course: Chapter objectives―Review core concepts by answering the questions at the beginning of each chapter. Key terms―Refer to the updated lists of networking vocabulary introduced in each chapter and turn to the highlighted terms in context. Glossary―Consult the all-new glossary with more than 700 terms. Check Your Understanding questions and answer key―Evaluate your readiness with the updated end-of-chapter questions that match the style of questions you see in the online course assessments. The answer appendix explains each answer. Challenge questions and activities―Challenge yourself with review questions and activities designed to be similar to the complex questions you might see on the CCNA exam. The answer appendix explains each answer. Extra practice problems―Reinforce processes and math formulas used to analyze basic networking features by completing the extra practice problems in Appendix C. Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for v3.1.1 of the CCNA® 1 course in the Cisco® Networking Academy® Program. The authors have completely rewritten the Companion Guide to provide a fresh, complementary perspective on the online course content. The book covers all the topics in the course yet provides additional examples and alternative approaches to individual topics―all to aid the learning process and lock in your understanding of basic networking concepts and technologies. Companion CD-ROM This CD-ROM includes: Additional Topics of Interest–Beneficial to becoming a well-rounded networker. Interactive Media Activities–More than 20 activities from the online course that visually demonstrate key topics. Packet Tracer v3.2–A Flash-based simulation and visualization learning tool. Student Resources on the Web Cisco Press provides additional content that you can access by registering your individual book at Membership and registration are free and give you access to the extra practice problems answer key, Packet Tracer configuration files, and additional content from Cisco Press books.
Title Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide
ISBN 9781587131646
Edition 1st Published, 2006
Number of Pages 624
Country India
Language English

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