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Limit State Design of Steel Structures

3rd Edition, 2019


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Limit State Design of Steel Structures (Paperback)

TK. 1,492

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Product Specification & Summary

The latest edition of book - Limit State Design of Steel Structures by S K Duggal offers elaborate and lucid text - developed and explained from student’s, teacher’s as well as designer’s viewpoint. It provides complete coverage of the subject as per the latest codal provisions of IS: 800-2007 and IS: 875 (Part 3)-2015 with detailed discussions on codal specifications. Numerous worked-out examples with a tutorial approach to problem-solving assist the reader in grasping of concepts. Every chapter ends with a concise summary that underlines the important learning. The book is supplemented with web resources that contain a chapter on loads, chapter-wise lecture PPTs and solutions manual along with a glossary of important terms.Salient Features:✔ New! Updated chapters on column bases and caps, and plate girder✔ New! Chapter on roof trusses elaborated and split into two to cover recent developments and applications of tubular sections in trusses✔ Colored plates depicting details of members and connections for easy visualization of details✔ Well-labelled and neat figures with 3D view of structural components✔ Smartly designed pedagogy that includes: Solved Conceptual Problems, Check Your Fundamentals, Exercise Problems and MCQs
Title Limit State Design of Steel Structures
ISBN 9789353164874
Edition 3rd Edition, 2019
Number of Pages 920
Country India
Language English

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Limit State Design of Steel Structures

S.K. Duggal

৳ 1,492 ৳1492.0

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