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রিভার র‍্যাপসডি (Paperback)

Adnan Morshed

Total: TK. 1,050

রিভার র‍্যাপসডি

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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রিভার র‍্যাপসডি (Paperback)

A Museum of Rivers and Canals

TK. 1,050
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Despite some progress in recent times, our education system has predominantly been classroom based. We come to the class, hear the lecture from our teacher, and prepare for the test. Our education system overemphasizes test results while learning from the "real" world suffers. Changing ground realities often complicate the standardized content of a course and remain neglected. This observation resonates particularly with disciplines like architecture and urban planning because the building industry, urban culture, and economy are intertwined and constantly shifting. That is why we took our students to Chittagong, thoroughly surveyed and researched the proposed site for the museum along the River Karnaphuli in old town Chittagong, interviewed the local people about their views and aspirations, and, at dawn, meditated on the site to feel its ecological pulse or what is known as genius loci, the spirit of place.
–Adnan Zillur Morshed, PhD
Professor, Architect, Urbanist, and Columnist
Title রিভার র‍্যাপসডি
ISBN 978-9843434401
Edition 1st Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 164
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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রিভার র‍্যাপসডি

Adnan Morshed

৳ 1,050 ৳1050.0

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