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Programming The World Wide Web

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Programming The World Wide Web (Paperback)

TK. 22,491

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Product Specification & Summary

Programming the World Wide Web 2010 provides a comprehensive introduction to the tools and skills required for both client- and server-side programming, teaching students how to develop platform-independent sites using the most current Web development technology. Essential programming exercises are presented using a manageable progression: students begin with a foundational XHTML Web site and employ new languages and technologies to add features as they are discussed in the course. Readers with previous experience programming with an object-oriented language are guided through concepts relating to client-side and server-side programming, including ASP.NET using C#, JavaScript™, Java™ servlets, Ajax, JSP™, XHTML, XML, PHP, Ruby, and Rails.
Title Programming The World Wide Web
ISBN 9780137053834
Edition 6th edition, 2010
Number of Pages 800
Country India
Language English

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Programming The World Wide Web

Robert W. Sebesta 

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