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Programming The World Wide Web

1st Edition, 2001


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Programming The World Wide Web (Paperback)

TK. 5,189

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Product Specification & Summary

Programming the World Wide Web by Robert Sebesta provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the programming and scripting languages currently used to create web sites and applications. In this holistic approach, readers are guided through concepts relating to client-side and server-side programming, including JavaScript, Perl, Java Servlets, Java Applets, Web Databases, and the Apache Web Server. This book is ideal for students with knowledge of Java or C programming, or programmers looking to expand their skills onto the World Wide Web. Robert Sebesta is the author of the world's leading book on comparative programming languages, Concepts of Programming Languages. Hundreds of thousands of people have learned how to program from his books. He has written Programming the World Wide Web to be not just a reference of various methods for programming the
Title Programming The World Wide Web
ISBN 9780201704846
Edition 1st Edition, 2001
Number of Pages 480
Country India
Language English

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Programming The World Wide Web

Robert W. Sebesta 

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