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PHP And MySQL For Dynamic Web Sites

5th Edition, 2017


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PHP And MySQL For Dynamic Web Sites (Paperback)

TK. 6,166

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Product Specification & Summary

When it comes to creating dynamic, database-driven Web sites, the PHP language and MySQL database offer a winning combination -- and with PHP 7, web professionals can achieve dramatic performance improvements. Combine these great open source technologies with Larry Ullman's PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, Fifth Edition, and there's no limit to the powerful, interactive Web sites you can create. With step-by-step instructions, complete scripts, and expert tips to guide you, Ullman gets right down to business. After grounding you with practical introductions to both PHP 7 and MySQL, he covers core issues ranging from security to session management to jQuery and object-oriented programming techniques. Ullman walks you through creating several sample applications, stressing the latest features and techniques throughout.
Title PHP And MySQL For Dynamic Web Sites
ISBN 9780134301846
Edition 5th Edition, 2017
Number of Pages 704
Country India
Language English

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PHP And MySQL For Dynamic Web Sites

Larry Ullman

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