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Effortless E-Commerce With PHP And MySQL

2nd edition, 2013


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Effortless E-Commerce With PHP And MySQL (Paperback)

TK. 10,801

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Product Specification & Summary

In this comprehensive guide to creating e-commerce website using PHP and MySQL, renowned author Larry Ullman walks you through every step—designing the visual interface, creating the database, presenting content, generating an online catalog, managing the shopping cart, handling the order and the payment process, and fulfilling the order—always with security and best practices emphasized along the way. Even if you’re an experienced web developer, you’re guaranteed to learn something new. The book uses two complete e-commerce site examples, with various features and goals, to present the widest possible range of e-commerce scenarios. This fully updated and expanded second edition includes an additional and new payment processing example, and also reflects the latest changes in PayPal’s options and methodologies. There are new chapters on marketing-related tools to improve the site and sales, on adding functionality via Ajax, and on implementing e-commerce functionality using OOP instead of procedural code. Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL, Second Edition teaches you how to: Think of the customer first, in order to maximize sales and customer satisfaction Create a safe server environment and database Use secure transactions and prevent common vulnerabilities Incorporate different payment gateways Design scalable sites that are easy to maintain Build administrative interfaces Extend both examples to match the needs of your own sites
Title Effortless E-Commerce With PHP And MySQL
ISBN 9780321949363
Edition 2nd edition, 2013
Number of Pages 552
Country India
Language English

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Effortless E-Commerce With PHP And MySQL

Larry Ullman

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