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PHP Advanced For The World Wide Web

1st Edition, 2001


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PHP Advanced For The World Wide Web (Paperback)

TK. 3,497

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Product Specification & Summary

PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language. ItÕs frequently being used to replace the functionality created by Perl to write CGI scripts). Similar to both HTML and CGI, PHP is faster to program in and faster to execute than CGI. PHP was written specifically for Web site creation, unlike Perl, C, or Java. Companies such as Honda, Patagonia, and all have Web sites utilizing PHP. PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickPro Guide consists of approximately fifteen chapters of step-by-step content, aimed at teaching specific topics in direct, focused segments. The scripts featured in this book are based on features and capabilities that current PHP users most frequently inquire about (e.g. sessions, authentication, and object-oriented programming). as well as detailing those technologies that will be more important in the future, such as XML and Wireless Access Protocols.
Title PHP Advanced For The World Wide Web
ISBN 9780201775976
Edition 1st Edition, 2001
Number of Pages 520
Country India
Language English

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