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Introduction To Assembly Language Programming

2nd Edition, 2005


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Introduction To Assembly Language Programming (Paperback)

TK. 11,980

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Product Specification & Summary

This updated textbook introduces readers to assembly and its evolving role in computer programming and design. The author concentrates the revised edition on protected-mode Pentium programming, MIPS assembly language programming, and use of the NASM and SPIM assemblers for a Linux orientation. The focus is on providing students with a firm grasp of the main features of assembly programming, and how it can be used to improve a computer's performance. All of the main features are covered in depth, and the book is equally viable for DOS or Linux, MIPS (RISC) or CISC (Pentium). The book is based on a successful course given by the author and includes numerous hands-on exercises.
Title Introduction To Assembly Language Programming
ISBN 9781441919212
Edition 2nd Edition, 2005
Number of Pages 692
Country India
Language English

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Introduction To Assembly Language Programming

Sivarama P. Dandamudi

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