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Fundamentals And Applications Of Renewable Energy

1st Edition, 2020


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Fundamentals And Applications Of Renewable Energy (Paperback)

TK. 1,344

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Product Specification & Summary

A comprehensive new textbook on the fundamentals of renewable energy that bridges the gap between theory and application. At a time when clear and relevant information about the fundamental principles and real-world application of renewable energy is being sought eagerly, this is the text to guide students. Written by three of the fields leading experts and bolstered by outstanding pedagogy, it lays the foundation for a broad understanding of all major renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Comprehensive as well as authoritative, the book also delves into important, yet rarely discussed topics such as thermal design, Geothermal energy, Hydropower, Hydrogen and fuel cells, and energy efficiency. By stressing real-world relevancy and application of principles, The book prepares students for a successful professional career in renewable energy. Enhanced by clear explanations, solved examples, twice as many practice problems as similar textbooks, and two stellar authors, fundamentals and applications of renewable energy is destined to become the cornerstone resource for students and professionals who wish a greater understanding of this burgeoning field. Highlights: 1. By learning the scientific underpinnings of renewable energy applications, students gain a “big picture” understanding of the topic 2. Numerous of end-of-chapter problems (with solutions available to teachers) help students assess their understanding 3. Dr. Cengel is author (or co-author) of six market-leading textbooks 4. An essential text for upper level engineering students pursuing renewable energy tracks or minors in Mechanical, chemical, and Electrical Engineering, as well as practicing engineers who wish to expand their knowledge of this timely topic.
Title Fundamentals And Applications Of Renewable Energy
ISBN 9789390385638
Edition 1st Edition, 2020
Number of Pages 416
Country India
Language English

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