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Reinforced Concrete Design - 3rd Edition (Paperback)

Noel J. Everard

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Reinforced Concrete Design - 3rd Edition

3rd Edition, 1993


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Reinforced Concrete Design - 3rd Edition (Paperback)

The Original And Most Popular College Course Series Around The World

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Product Specification & Summary

This book is based on the 1989 version (with the 1992 revisions included) of "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" of the American Con- crete Institute (ACI). That Code is also a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It has been adopted into the laws of most municipalities in the United States. Since ACI is truly an international organiza- tion, the Code has been either adopted or used as a model in the development of building codes in many countries throughout the world.

The material contained in this book reflects the most up-to-date state of the art concerning the analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures. Every chapter in the book has been revised to conform with modern practice. Chapter 1 has been completely rewritten to present currently used procedures for designing concrete mixes to provide quality control of the consistency of concrete strength. The chapters concerning the empirical methods of slab design have been elimi- nated, and the material related to the equivalent frame method has been expanded to reflect the most up-to-date procedures for computerized design of slabs. Hand calculation methods have been retained. New material has been added concerning column design, and the design of drilled piers and caissons as columns has been added.

The book will continue to serve as a simplified supplement where other textbooks are used in the classroom. It will also continue to provide a primary textbook for use in classes in architecture, architectural engineering, and en- gineering technology. As it has in the past, it will continue to serve as a reference book for practicing architects and engineers.
Title Reinforced Concrete Design - 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780070197725
Edition 3rd Edition, 1993
Number of Pages 360
Country India
Language English

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Reinforced Concrete Design - 3rd Edition

Noel J. Everard

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