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স্ট্রাইকিং ইন দ্যি সেডো

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স্ট্রাইকিং ইন দ্যি সেডো (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

It's August 1971. A country named Bangladesh was going to be born very soon. Yahya Khan and his political collaborators hatched all the conspiracies to stop those fighters striving for emancipation. The younger section of Sonadanga village known as 'bichchhu' organized a team to save the villagers from the clutches of Pakistan Captain Emdad. But unfortunately, a few local agents betrayed them and secretively took the captain's side. Quack doctor Moti, boatman Paban, daring young man Pavel and a mysterious figure named f-7 vowed to teach the Pakistan Army a big lesson. Baro Mia and his crafty sycophant Karamali aided and abetted Captain Emdad, who made the villagers' life miserable. Nosu, a very small but intelligent boy made up his mind to sacrifice himself for the sake of his motherland. Eventually, he'd shoved his head into the vampire's den. Thus, the storyline flourished sketching the tumultuous days of the Liberation War and the way Bangladesh came into being.
Title স্ট্রাইকিং ইন দ্যি সেডো
ISBN 9789849780212
Edition Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 120
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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স্ট্রাইকিং ইন দ্যি সেডো

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