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College Botany Volume–I

1st Edition, 2022


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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College Botany Volume–I (Paperback)

For Degree, Hons.

TK. 1,170

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Product Specification & Summary

For Degree, Honours and Postgraduate Students, Algae: 1. General Topics, 2. Cyanophycophyta - Myxophyceae Blue Green Algae - Cyanobacteria, 3. Chlorophycophyta - Chlorophyceae Green Algae, 4. Charophyta - Charophyceae Stoneworts, 5. Xanthophycophyta - Xanthophyceae Yellow Green Algae, 6. Bacillariophycophyta - Bacillariophyceae Diatoms, 7. Phaeophycophyta - Phaeophyceae Brown Algae, 8. Rhodophycophyta - Rhodophyceae Red Algae Question Bank General References Glossary Index, Fungi: 1. Introduction, 2. Classification of Fungi, 3. Class Myxomycetes, 4. Class Chytridiomycetes, 5. Class Plasmodiophoromycetes, 6. Class Oomycetes, 7. Class Zygomycetes, 8. Class Ascomycetes, 9. Sub - Class Hemiascomycetidae, 10. Sub - Class Euascomycetidae, 11. Class Basidiomycetes, 12. Sub - Class Heterobasidiomycetidae, 13. Sub - Class Homobasidiomycetidae, 14. Class Deuteromycetes, 15. Economic Importance of Fungi, 16. Heterothallism, Parasexuality and Sex Hormones in Fungi, Lichens: 17. Form Class - Lichens, Plant Pathology: 18. Plant Diseases and Their Classification, 19. Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Diseases of Plants, 20. Principles of Plant Disease Control, 21. Methods of Studying Plant Diseases, Microbiology: 22. Bacteria, Mycoplasma, Actinomycetes and Cyanobacteria, 23. Viruses, 24. Human Diseases by Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Pathogens, 25. Industrial uses of Micro- Organisms Question Bank References Glossary Index, Bryophyta: 1. Introduction, 2. Classification of Bryophytes, 3. Order Marchantiales, 4. Order Metzgeriales, 5. Order Jungermanniales, 6. Order Calobryales, 7. Order Takakiales, 8. Order Anthocerotales, 9. Order Sphagnales, 10. Order Funariales, 11. Order Polytrichales, 12. General Discussion Question Bank Further Reading Glossary Index
Title College Botany Volume–I
ISBN 9789355010926
Edition 1st Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 936
Country India
Language English

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