This book is contain Pteridophyta,Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany compilation work and embodies a fairly comprehensive treatment of the fundamental facts and aspects of the subject. This book will serve as an introduction to Botany to the beginners in this field., Pteridophyta: 1. Introduction, 2. Order Psilophytales, 3. Order Psilotales, 4. Order Lycopodiales, 5. Order Selaginellales, 6. Order Equisetales, 7. Order Ophioglossales, 8. Order Marsileales, 9. Order Filicales, 10. General Topics Selected Readings Glossary Question Bank Index, Gymnosperms: 1. Introduction, 2. Order Cycadales, 3. Order Ginkgoales, 4. Order Coniferales, 5. Order Taxales, 6. Order Gnetales, Palaeobotany: 7. Methods of Fossil Study, 8. Order Psilophytales, 9. Order Pteridospermales (Cycadofilicales), 10. Order Cycadeoideales (Bennettitales), 11. Order Cordaitales, Glossary Question Bank Index, Angiosperms: 1. Angiosperms: Introduction, 2. Evolution of Classification, 3. Modern Trends in Taxonomy, 4. Nomenclature of Plants, 5. Plant Collection and Preparation of Herbarium, 6. How to Describe an Angiospermic Plant, 7. Angiosperms: Glossary with Illustrations, 8. Glossary of Botanical Terms, 9. The Dicotyledones-Order-Rosales-Family-Rosaceae, 10. Order-Leguminales, Family-Fabaceae, 11. Order-Malvales Family-Malvaceae, 12. Order-Euphorbiales Family- Euphorbiaceae, 13. Order-Rutales Family-Rutaceae, 14. Order-Apocynales Family -Apocynaceae