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The Embryology of Angiosperms

1st Edition, 2018


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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The Embryology of Angiosperms (Paperback)

TK. 891

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Product Specification & Summary

For the last 40 years this book has served well the students of Botany, Agriculture and Forestry for their regular courses like BSc. (General and Hons) and MSc., as well as competitive examinations. It has stood the test of time due to the authors’ zeal to update it regularly with inputs from latest developments in the field. Since the last revision of the book, the methods used to study plant embryology have changed radically. Powerful modern biological techniques are now being applied to understand the developmental aspects and genetic and molecular bases of embryological processes. It has become possible to generate tissue specific mutants by T-DNA insertional mutagenesis, use of green fluorescent protein probes for live imaging of growing cells and tissues and to analyze gene expression in few-celled structures, such as early stages of embryo, and constituent cells of the male and female gametophytes. These techniques, combined with the development of high resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy, have provided non-invasive methods to view live processes, such as pollen tube growth in the pistil and double fertilization under in situ conditions. The book has been translated into Japanese and Korean languages. KEY FEATURES • Well established text with content rigorous enough for both UG and PG studies • Covers important topics like development and structure of male and female gametophytes, pollination, fertilization, sexual incompatibility, development of endosperm and embryo, polyembryony, apomixis and seed development • Describes embryology in relation to taxonomy and experimental and applied embryology Use of tables and figures to depict important data and information • Updated as per the new developments in the study of plant embryology
Title The Embryology of Angiosperms
ISBN 9789325981294
Edition 1st Edition, 2018
Number of Pages 392
Country India
Language English

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