TULSIAN'S ACCOUNTANCY FOR CA INTERMEDIATE COURSE (GROUP II) This new edition has been primarily designed for the students of CA Intermediate (Group II) course for the subject Advanced Accounting. It has been revised and remodeled as per the new syllabus issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This book serves as a self-study text and provides essential guidance for understanding complex accounting principles and practices. Based on the author's proven approach ̶ teach yourself style, the book is replete with numerous illustrations, exhibits and solved problems.
QUICK REVISION FOR ACCOUNTANCY - CA INTERMEDIATE COURSE (GROUP II) This book is a companion to Tulsian's Accountancy for CA Intermediate Course (Group II). It provides a quick revision of the concepts discussed in the main textbook and helps students to test their knowledge. The book helps in making the revision process easy by providing candidates with fully-solved scanner, model test papers with solutions and CA Intermediate examination paper for practice. The content is exam-oriented, highly relevant and focuses on the important topics appearing in the exam.
Tulsian’s Accountancy for CA Intermediate Course (Group II) with Quick Revision