Vocabulary At Your Fingertips

Vocabulary At Your Fingertips (Paperback)

TK. 270

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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The more words you know, the better you are able to communicate. So that others are able to understand exactly what you mean, you need to pick up your words precisely. This develops others´ trust and confidence in you, as also strengthens your own confidence in yourself. The author´s earlier book "Spoken English — A Hands-on Guide to English Conversation Practice" that became a bestseller in the very first year of its release, is already helping students attain fluency in speech. The present book teaches the use of appropriate words in everyday situations. It is meant for those who can already read, understand and write English well. The exercises in the book have been so designed that you may guess the meanings of words introduced from their context. A series of subsequent exercises on the same words help you to reinforce and ingrain them in your mind so that you are able to recall them quickly and at will. This is not a book to be read like a novel. It is meant for intensive reading and re-reading, to help you build your vocabulary and put it on a strong footing. Structure of the Book: Most chapters in the book introduce 40 new, randomly selected words to be matched up with 40 different sentences spread over 10 batches of four words each. You are required to guess the meanings of the words and place them in the blank spaces within the sentences. Subsequent exercises, like true/false, fill in the blanks, word-meaning match up gradually in stages help to reinforce your understanding of the meanings of the words learnt. After every three 40-word chapters, there are two topical chapters each of which talks of words related to a single topic of common interest — like words related to marriage, or house building, or medical terms, etc. In the end are some miscellaneous chapters introducing words that are used along with prepositions, words of foreign origin and funny pairs, and phrases. SALIENT FEATURES Planned in a definite pattern, and breaks monotony by interspersing different kinds of exercises Teaches general and specialized words Exercises devised so that the learner can´t help becoming familiar with the spellings of words, their meanings and usage Makes the learner guess the meanings of words intelligently, then reinforces them into memory for subsequent recall Teaches every word through four or five exercises ingraining it in the learner´s mind.
Title Vocabulary At Your Fingertips
ISBN 9788125919056
Edition 1st Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 208
Country India
Language English

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