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Select Constitutions

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Select Constitutions (Paperback)

UK, USA, France, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, China and India

TK. 1,530

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Product Specification & Summary

Part-I, The Government of the United Kingdom: 1. Nature and Content of the Constitution, 2. The British Political Tradition, 3. The King, and the Crown, 4. Privy Council, Ministry and Cabinet, 5. The Cabinet at Work, 6. The Machinery of Government, 7. Parliament, 8. Parliament (Continued), 9. Law and the Courts, 10. Political Parties, 11. Local Government; The Government of the United States: 1. The American Political Tradition, 2. Essentials of the American Constitution, 3. The Presidency, 4. The 'Cabinet' and the Executive Departments, 5. Congress: Structure and Composition, 6. Congress: Functions and Powers, 7. Federal Judiciary, 8. Political Parties, 9. The American Political System; The Government of France: 1. The French Political Tradition, 2: The Fifth Republic, 3. The Presidency, 4. The Government, 5. Parliament, 6. French Law and Law Courts, 7. French Political Parties, 8. The French Political System; The Government of Canada (Constitution of 1982): 1. Political Tradition and the Constitution, 2. The Executive, 3. Parliament, 4. The Federal Judiciary, 5. Political Parties, 6. The Canadian Political Tradition; The Government of Switzerland: 1. The Swiss Political Tradition, 2. Basic Features of the Swiss Confederation, 3. The Cantonal and Local Government, 4. The Frame of National Government-The Federal Executive, 5. The Frame of National Government-The Federal Assembly, 6. The Frame of National Government-The Federal Court, 7. The Referendum and the Initiative, 8. Political Parties and Interest Groups, 9 The Swiss Political System; The Government of Japan: 1. The Constitution of Japan (1946), 2. The Executive, 3. The Diet, 4. The Judiciary, 5. Political Parties, 6. The Japanese Political System; The Government of People's Republic of China (Constitution of 1982): 1. The Chinese Political Tradition, 2. The Constitution of 1982, 2. Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens, 4. The National People's Congress, 5. The President of the Republic, 6. The Judicial System, 7. The Communist Party of China, 8. Democratic Ferment, 9. The Chinese Political System; PART-II: The Government of the Indian Republic: 1. The Nationalist Movement, 2. The Indian National Congress and the Demand for Parliamentary Institutions, 3. The Rise of Muslim Communalism, 4. The British Legacies, 5. Making of the Constitution: Basic Decision and Objectives, 6. Fundamental Rights, 7. Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties, 8. The President, 9. The Council of Ministers, 10. Parliament, 11. The Supreme Court, 12. The Union and the States, 13. The State Executive, 14. The State Legislature, 15. The State Judiciary, 16. Services under the Union and the States, 17. Administrative Tribunals, 18. Elections and Parties, 19 The Indian Political Tradition, 20. The Indian Political System, 21. Politics, Ideology and Governance Index
Title Select Constitutions
ISBN 9789355010933
Edition 1st Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 1104
Country India
Language English

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