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The Gopi Diaries

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The Gopi Diaries (Hardcover)

Finding Love

TK. 700

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'Gopi, I can't believe a year has passed since I met you. You have brought me so much happiness!'In this second book in the bestselling Gopi Diaries series, Gopi is stronger, bigger, more confident than the little pup he was in the first book, but he is also cheekier and more mischievous! He faces new situations, new challenges, even new dog companions with endless energy and spirit. And then comes the day when he faces the biggest surprise of them all... Written in Sudha Murty's inimitable style, this simple story told from a dog's perspective shows us just why pets are so precious - for their love, devotion and boundless affection. This is a book for Sudha Murty's fans of all ages as Gopi paws himself yet again into the hearts of children and adults alike.
Title The Gopi Diaries
ISBN 9789390351619
Edition 1st Edition, 2021
Number of Pages 136
Country India
Language English

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