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Harry Potter 1–3 Box Set

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Harry Potter 1–3 Box Set (Paperback)

A Magical Adventure Begins

TK. 3,398

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Product Specification & Summary

The essential introduction to the world of Harry Potter: three magical adventures in one beautiful box set.Every great story has a great beginning. From the moment Harry Potter is deposited on the doorstep of number four, Privet Drive, with a swish of Albus Dumbledore's cloak and the words 'Good luck, Harry', J.K. Rowling's irresistible storytelling pulls readers into an unforgettable, magical adventure. Harry Potter is a milestone in every child's reading journey and this gorgeous, collectable three-book set is the perfect introduction for new readers and young Muggles everywhere.This beautifully produced box set contains Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, with enchanting cover art by Jonny Duddle - plus three gorgeous, colourful bookmarks with memorable quotes from favourite Harry Potter characters!
Title Harry Potter 1–3 Box Set
ISBN 9781526620293
Edition 1st Edition, 2019
Number of Pages 1216
Country India
Language English

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Harry Potter 1–3 Box Set

J. K. Rowling

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