A Hacker's Guide to Project Management

A Hacker's Guide to Project Management (Paperback)

TK. 1,618

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Managing a software development project is a complex process. There are lots of deliverables to produce, standards and procedures to observe, plans and budgets to meet, and different people to manage. Project management doesn't just start and end with designing and building the system. Once you've specified, designed and built (or bought) the system it still needs to be properly tested, documented and settled into the live environment. This can seem like a maze to the inexperienced project manager, or even to the experienced project manager unused to a particular environment.A Hacker's Guide to Project Management acts as a guide through this maze. It's aimed specifically at those managing a project or leading a team for the first time, but it will also help more experienced managers who are either new to software development, or dealing with a new part of the software life-cycle. This book:describes the process of software development, how projects can fail and how to avoid those failuresoutlines the key skills of a good project manager, and provides practical advice on how to gain and deploy those skillstakes the reader step-by-step through the main stages of the project, explaining what must be done, and what must be avoided at each stagesuggests what to do if things start to go wrong!The book will also be useful to designers and architects, describing important design techniques, and discussing the important discipline of Software Architecture.This new edition:has been fully revised and updated to reflect current best practices in software developmentincludes a range of different life-cycle models and new design techniquesnow uses the Unified Modelling Language throughout Fully revised and updated to reflect developments in the fieldModified structure to represent the iterative and incremental development methods which are now more common than the past 'waterfall' approachesNew content added that describes and advises on the major advances in software engineering in the last 8 years
Title A Hacker's Guide to Project Management
ISBN 9780750657464
Edition 2nd Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 228
Country India
Language English

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A Hacker's Guide to Project Management

Andrew Johnston

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