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Computer Science Handbook

2nd Edition, 2004


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Computer Science Handbook (Hardcover)

TK. 17,998

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Product Specification & Summary

When you think about how far and fast computer science has progressed in recent years, it's not hard to conclude that a seven-year old handbook may fall a little short of the kind of reference today's computer scientists, software engineers, and IT professionals need. With a broadened scope, more emphasis on applied computing, and more than 70 chapters either new or significantly revised, the Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition is exactly the kind of reference you need. This rich collection of theory and practice fully characterizes the current state of the field and conveys the modern spirit, accomplishments, and direction of computer science. Highlights of the Second Edition: Coverage that reaches across all 11 subject areas of the discipline as defined in Computing Curricula 2001, now the standard taxonomy More than 70 chapters revised or replaced Emphasis on a more practical/applied approach to IT topics such as information management, net-centric computing, and human computer interaction More than 150 contributing authors--all recognized experts in their respective specialties New chapters on: cryptography computational chemistry computational astrophysics human-centered software development cognitive modeling transaction processing data compression scripting languages event-driven programming software architecture
Title Computer Science Handbook
ISBN 9781584883609
Edition 2nd Edition, 2004
Number of Pages 2752
Country India
Language English

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