From the Publisher Emphasizes the efficacy of synthetically occurring compounds in the management of free radical-mediated illnesses. The text details the design, development and delivery of therapeutic antioxidants used in the treatment of pathophysiological disorders, from amylotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) to Alzheimer's disease. Editorial Reviews - Handbook of Synthetic Antioxidants, Vol. 4 From the Publisher Emphasizes the efficacy of synthetically occurring compounds in the management of free radical-mediated illnesses. The text details the design, development and delivery of therapeutic antioxidants used in the treatment of pathophysiological disorders, from amylotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) to Alzheimer's disease. Papasani V. Subbaiah This multiauthored book presents the rationale behind the use of various synthetic antioxidants in preventive medicine. It provides the structures and properties of various antioxidants presently under investigation. The book has sufficiently up-to-date information and is well organized into subsections for easy reference. The purpose is to summarize the available information on synthetic antioxidants that are presently in use in experimental conditions. The primary audience are scientists working in the antioxidant field. These include chemists, biochemists, and pharmacologists working in academic institutions and pharmaceutical industry. Other potential readers are investigators in food science, nutritionists, and pathologists. The book features up-to-date articles by experts in antioxidant field. It provides chemical structures, physicochemical properties, and biological effects of various antioxidants designed for specific functions. I found the background material provided in most articles quite useful. The compilation of articles on chemically and pharmacologically unrelated compounds in one volume is especially useful for scientists working in their respec