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Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express

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Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express (Paperback)

TK. 448

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Thea Stilton and The Mystery On The Orient Express: 13 (Geronimo Stilton #13) by Geronimo Stilton is a children's book. It talks about the theft of a wedding dress from a museum and how the Thea sisters against all odds try to retrieve it and transport it to its rightful owners, the museum, by an express train. Before they undertake their journey there is talk of the Acrobat Thief planning to lay siege on the dress and steal it. The dress belongs to an Istanbul Museum and the Thea sisters are VIRs or very important rodents in the book. The celebrity rodents in the book vie for the Thea sisters in the book. The book is one of Geronimo Stilton's best works. It has sold thousands of copies worldwide and is reasonably priced. The language is fast paced and beautiful. with a gripping story, it has become a bestseller in the genre of children's books. Geronimo's sister, Thea, narrates this action-packed fun filled mysterious adventure in her own words and the book takes you on a journey of the Thea sisters. Thea Stilton and The Mystery On The Orient Express: 13 (Geronimo Stilton #13) is about the rodent sisters tussle with the acrobat thief on the Orient Express. The book was published by Scholastic Inc. in 2012 and is available in paperback. Key Features The book is written in a language that is simple and lucid and easy to understand. Stilton takes you on a marvelous journey of the rodent sisters who try to bring back a wedding dress stolen years ago from an Istanbul Museum.
Title Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express
ISBN 9780545341059
Edition Edition, 2012
Number of Pages 176
Country India
Language English

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