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That Which is Not Drawn

চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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That Which is Not Drawn (Paperback)

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TK. 765

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

কমিয়ে দেখুন

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William Kentridge is one of most prominent contemporary artists in the world, best known for his animated films based on charcoal drawings and his artistic work with books. His work has been exhibited at the Metropolitan Opera and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Louvre in Paris, La Scala in Milan, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, among others. Rosalind C. Morris is professor of anthropology and former associate director of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. She is also the author of New Worlds from Fragments: Film, Ethnography, and the Representation of Northwest Coast Cultures and In the Place of Origins: Modernity and Its Mediums in Northern Thailand.
Title That Which is Not Drawn
ISBN 9780857424457
Edition Edition, 2017
Number of Pages 200
Country India
Language English

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That Which is Not Drawn

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