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Dark Company

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Dark Company (Paperback)

TK. 637

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Product Specification & Summary

“Of course I had to end up here.” over ten rainy nights, Thomas, an ex-bargeman who used to be skipper of his own boat, walks the muddy fields of the landlocked German interior and remembers the events that lost him his home, his boat, and his livelihood: his apprenticeship in the Cold halls of the royal naval college in London; the dangers of the mean streets and Waterfront of new York in the 1970s, and Poland under martial law; Germany after the reunification, when for a year or so it seemed that the whole country drifted rudderless, drawn by the current of history to who knows where. In this novel from gert loschütz, Thomas remembers childhood, his first love, and the warnings of his grandfather: Beware the dark company! This mysterious band of men and women dressed in black cast a shadow over his story, as he wrestles with the secrets, the unplumbed depths of his soul, the hazards lurking below a seemingly placid surface, and throughout it all, the rain, falling night after night. Dark companies a superb example of a distinctly German tradition in weird fiction which claims its roots in Kafka and Herbert rosendorfer.
Title Dark Company
ISBN 9780857428288
Edition Edition, 2021
Number of Pages 166
Country India
Language English

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