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এআইবিবি ওয়ান বুক - English Version image

এআইবিবি ওয়ান বুক - English Version (Paperback)

Md. Jahangir Alam

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এআইবিবি ওয়ান বুক - English Version

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এআইবিবি ওয়ান বুক - English Version (Paperback)

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Effective risk management is a precondition for sound bank/FI management that requires identifying, measuring and minimizing risks associated with different banking activities.
Althoughdeposit taking and lending continue tobe the key business lines, many banks/FIs have expanded intoother areas risky financial markets.
As such, banks/FIs always run the risk of insufficient liquidity and credit defaults. Moreover, banking business around the world has undergone noticeable changes over the last few decades.
Globalization of business and financial services and increase in competition are among the major forces that led the banking industry to introduce cross border complex and innovative financial products. Furthermore, technology was adopted rapidly in banking business. As a result, risks carried by the banking system have also increased substantially over the years.
Risk management can be regarded as an active, strategic, and integrated process that encompasses both the measurement and mitigation of risk, with the ultimate goal of maximizing the value of a bank, while minimizing the risk of bankruptcy
Title এআইবিবি ওয়ান বুক - English Version
Edition 2nd Edition, 2024
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এআইবিবি ওয়ান বুক - English Version

Md. Jahangir Alam

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