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Girl, Stop Apologizing

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Girl, Stop Apologizing (Paperback)

A shame-free plan for embracing and acheving your goals

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Product Specification & Summary

Bestselling author of girl, wash your face and founder of thechicsite.Com Rachel Hollis urges women to stop apologizing for their desires, hopes and dreams and instead to go after them with passion and confidence. Rachel Hollis has seen it too often: women being afraid of their own goals. They're afraid of embarrassment, of falling short of perfection, of not being enough. But the biggest fear of all is of being judged for having ambition at all. Having been taught to define themselves in light of other people-whether as wife, mother, daughter, or friend-many women have forgotten who they are and what they were meant to be. In girl, stop apologizing, entrepreneur and online personality Rachel Hollis encourages women to own their hopes and desires and goals and reminds them They don't need permission to want more. With a call to women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams, Hollis identifies the excuses to let go of, the behavior to adopt and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence and the biggest possible version of their lives.
Title Girl, Stop Apologizing
ISBN 9781404111530
Edition Edition, 2019
Number of Pages 240
Country India
Language English

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