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Nancy Drew : Pageant Perfect Crime : Volume 30

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Nancy Drew : Pageant Perfect Crime : Volume 30 (Paperback)

TK. 351

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

কমিয়ে দেখুন

সময় বাড়লো ক্লিয়ারেন্স সেল অফারের! বইয়ে ৭০% ও পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড়!


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Ned's classmate Portia Leoni won last year's Miss Pretty Face River Heights Beauty Pageant. But after Portia was accused of shoplifting dresses from a local boutique, her crown was taken away from her. Portia claims that she's innocent, but why would someone want to frame her? To find out more, I'm going undercover -- as a pageant contestant! But going undercover in Miss Pretty Face may be my toughest challenge yet. Everyone seems to have a motive! Who knew it was so hard to walk, smile, and wave? I have to find out the truth before someone finds out that I'm anything but a beauty queen!
Title Nancy Drew : Pageant Perfect Crime : Volume 30
ISBN 9781416955283
Edition Edition, 2008
Number of Pages 160
Country India
Language English

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