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ইসলাম : এ রিলিজিওন অফ ট্রুথ এন্ড দ্যা বেয়াকুন লাইট আফ ইসলাম image

ইসলাম : এ রিলিজিওন অফ ট্রুথ এন্ড দ্যা বেয়াকুন লাইট আফ ইসলাম (Hardcover)

Muhammad Nurul Karim

TK. 400 Total: TK. 328
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ইসলাম : এ রিলিজিওন অফ ট্রুথ এন্ড দ্যা বেয়াকুন লাইট আফ ইসলাম

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ইসলাম : এ রিলিজিওন অফ ট্রুথ এন্ড দ্যা বেয়াকুন লাইট আফ ইসলাম (Hardcover)

TK. 400 TK. 328 You Save TK. 72 (18%)
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Principal Muhammad Nurul Karim, a reputed educationist and an Islamic scholar widely known for his dedication as a teacher to thousands of his students also authored a good number of scholarly books both in English and Bengali. Two of his well acclaimed English books are Islam: A Religion of Truth and The Beacon Light of Islam; But the books were not in print and available for readers for over three decades. Repeated requests from a few avid readers led us to give a thought on reprinting his works and let the readers have access to these books. Principal Karim mentions, though present day world has reached the height of material and technological development yet there is no peace on earth. Instead, there is lack of cooperation between individuals and nations and there is the awful prospect of nuclear holocaust in total disregard of human values and a keen contest among the big powers to dominate over the smaller and less resourceful ones seems to be the go of the day. The result is misery and uncertainty to the lot of the most of the population of the earth.
Title ইসলাম : এ রিলিজিওন অফ ট্রুথ এন্ড দ্যা বেয়াকুন লাইট আফ ইসলাম
ISBN 9789849689164
Edition 1st Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 160
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ইসলাম : এ রিলিজিওন অফ ট্রুথ এন্ড দ্যা বেয়াকুন লাইট আফ ইসলাম

Muhammad Nurul Karim

৳ 328 ৳400.0

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