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ফেমেনিজম ভার্সাস উইমেনস লিবারেশন মুভমেন্টস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ফেমেনিজম ভার্সাস উইমেনস লিবারেশন মুভমেন্টস (Paperback)

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The process of modernization and secularization revolved around what may be termed pantheism/immanence. The crisis of women is in reality caused by the rising levels of immanentization, modernization, and secularization....
In the absence of any point of reference transcending the individual Self, the human being is encapsulated within itself.... The human being defies itself, becoming an imperial force, undisciplined and unlimited by anything external to itself, generating its own norms and standards from its own imperial self."
"Feminists vacillate rather violently between seeing the differences between males and females as so deep as to be insurmountable on the one hand, and on the other to view them as so insignificant that they can be altogether discounted. [In contrast,] the advocates of true women liberation movements realize fully the simple human fact that there are biological, psychological, and social differences between men and women.
These differences manifest themselves in the different roles allocated to each sex by society, in some kind of a division of labor based on gender. The advocates of women liberation movements, instead of engaging in the impossible task of trying to obliterate such differences, do their utmost to prevent such a division of labor from becoming a basis for social and human inequality."
Title ফেমেনিজম ভার্সাস উইমেনস লিবারেশন মুভমেন্টস
ISBN 188266941X
Edition 1st Edition, 2004
Number of Pages 44
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ফেমেনিজম ভার্সাস উইমেনস লিবারেশন মুভমেন্টস

Abdelwahab M. Almessiri

৳ 400 ৳500.0

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