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হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ ইসলাম ইজ হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ আমেরিকা

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ ইসলাম ইজ হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ আমেরিকা (Paperback)

A New Vision for Muslims and the West

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Product Specification & Summary

"This book shows that the only possible way forward is by the assiduous cultivation of mutual respect. It should be read, but then-even more important-it should be acted upon."
"Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's message-that pluralism and tolerance are historic fundamentals of the Islamic faith-is like drinking fresh water in a desert of rising international radicalism."
"This is an invigorating glimpse into the heart and mind of a wise Muslim seeking the higher ground, and a moving example of the impact of the American experience."
"As someone with roots in both East and West, who has spent most of a lifetime attempting to build bridges between our cultures, I welcome this urgently needed book.... Imam Feisal speaks from the heart about the higher ground on which we can all unite. It is a book brimming with hope."
"After two disastrous wars against Muslim countries, it is more than ever necessary to get objective and sympathetic information about Islam, which is provided here by a very competent Muslim scholar living in the United States. An excellent work of bridge building!"
"Abdul Rauf offers a searching, thoughtful, and reasoned alternative to the shrill doomsayers who proclaim a 'clash of civilizations.' His learned and highly readable book affirms, and itself demonstrates, that a dialogue of civilizations is both possible and necessary."
"The publication of this book, when so much misunderstanding about Islam abounds in the West, is a timely event. The author, deeply rooted in both worlds, provides objective and serious responses to challenges that Islam faces today, and his book is a valuable bridge between the religion that is his and that he represents and the world in which he lives."
Title হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ ইসলাম ইজ হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ আমেরিকা
ISBN 9780061715778
Edition Edition, 2005
Number of Pages 314
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ ইসলাম ইজ হোয়াটস রাইট উইথ আমেরিকা

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