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Oliver Twist

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Oliver Twist (Hardcover)

Ladybird Classics

TK. 538

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Product Specification & Summary

Charles Dickens' classic tale, Oliver Twist, has now been retold in a way appropriate for kids of ages five and above. This edition is illustrated with Oliver's adventures through the streets of London and is made especially for children. This Dickensian novel, originally meant to bring forth the evils of Victorian London and the treatment of orphans by those who were privileged, is brought to life with the Ladybird edition of the story.

Oliver encounters a variety of people and throws light on the poor living conditions of those who couldn't afford the basic necessities in life. This classic tale can never be told enough and this edition of Oliver Twist (Ladybird Classics) is tailored for kids. Charles Dickens' story of a poor orphaned boy who lived at a time when petty thievery and obnoxious airs were in fashion, is a good read for all ages.

Ladybird classics are aimed at restoring classic tales as children's books and some other titles by Ladybird include the popular books such as Alice in Wonderland, Black Beauty, the Secret Garden, Gulliver's Travels and Treasure Island. Oliver Twist (Ladybird Classics) was published by Penguin UK in 2012,and is available in hardcover.
Title Oliver Twist
ISBN 9781409311256
Edition Edition, 2017
Number of Pages 72
Country India
Language English

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