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Simi Stands Tall

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Simi Stands Tall (Paperback)

TK. 450

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Simi has to join a new school in a new city. But the three-time academic award winner of Bhaarti Bhavan is suddenly a nobody at Newton International School. She discovers that a boy named Parth, who dresses in shabby clothes and torn shoes, is much smarter than her. The popular girl, Alisa, has a mean streak. Simi’s only confidant is her pet goldfish, Goldie, as she navigates annoying older siblings and her mother’s chemotherapy.

With so many changes in her life, will Simi learn to choose her human friends wisely, stand up tall for herself and defend her real friends?
Title Simi Stands Tall
ISBN 9780143461678
Edition Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 160
Country India
Language English

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