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Nala Damayanti

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Nala Damayanti (Paperback)

An Eternal Tale from the Mahabharata

TK. 538

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Product Specification & Summary

When Brahma the creator, fed up with humans, wants to undo this mistake and erase them, Hemanga the swan is horrified and pleads with Brahma to give him a chance to prove true love exists among mankind. The little bird, however, is sent to the kingdom of Vidarbha by Narada. That celestial troublemaker says Hemanga should unite Nala, the king of Nishadas, with Damayanti, the princess of Vidharbha.
Damayanti is a feisty beauty who has a mind of her own. She is no damsel in distress and has no need for a prince to rescue her. Nor has Nala any interest in finding love, for he is building a city for his tribe. Besides, he is a tribal king and thinks Damayanti is too above his position.
Hemanga almost succeeds in making them fall in love with each other when Kali hears of his plan. Trapped on earth as he is not the creator of Brahma, he can't be free unless humans cease to exist. When he learns about Hemanga's mission to save humans, he seizes his chance. If Damayanti gives up Nala, he can prove that no true love exists in a woman's heart. Brahma will erase the human race and Kali will be free.
All that stands between the future of humans and the mighty Kali is a little bird and the determination of Damayanti.
Title Nala Damayanti
ISBN 9780143453536
Edition Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 208
Country India
Language English

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