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The Cowherd Prince

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The Cowherd Prince (Paperback)

I care nothing for the crown. I am an accidental price...

TK. 718

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Product Specification & Summary

Govinda Shauri always has a plan.Govinda, son of Nanda-one of the many cowherds in the verdant kingdom of Surasena, in Aryavarta-was content with his tough but wonderful life. That was until the king's men came looking for him and his brother, Balabadra, spewing death and destruction in their wake.Forced to leave behind those they love in order to save them, the brothers are now on the run-all the while being hunted by the tyrant king, Kans, and his bloodthirsty adviser, Chanuran, who will stop at nothing to kill them.Even as their journey reveals Govinda's true identity as a prince and the rightful heir to the Surasena crown, it pulls them deeper into the murky secrets surrounding the throne-and its bloody legacy.What will it take for an ordinary cowherd boy to grow into a master strategist who will always have a plan?
Title The Cowherd Prince
ISBN 9780143448167
Edition Edition, 2020
Number of Pages 352
Country India
Language English

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