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Kurukshetra : Book 3

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Kurukshetra : Book 3 (Paperback)

The Aryavarta Chronicles

TK. 718

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The empire that was Aryavarta fades under the shadow of doom. As the bitter struggle to gain control of the divided kingdom ensues, both Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa of the Firstborn and the Secret Keeper of the Firewrights can only watch as their own blood, their kin, savage and kill on the fields of Kurukshetra. Restraint and reason have deserted the rulers who once protected the land and they manipulate, scheme and kill with abandon - for victory is all that matters.At the heart of the storm stands Govinda Shauri, driven by fickle allies and failed kings, to the very brink of darkness. He may well be the greatest danger Aryavarta has faced yet, for he is determined to change things forever. Reforging the forsaken realm in the fire of his apocalyptic wrath, Govinda prepares to destroy everything he loves and make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of one last hope: that humanity will rise. There will be revolution.
Title Kurukshetra : Book 3
ISBN 9780143448136
Edition Edition, 2019
Number of Pages 415
Country India
Language English

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