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দ্যা ফিলোসফি অফ লাইফ ইন ইসলাম image

দ্যা ফিলোসফি অফ লাইফ ইন ইসলাম (Paperback)

Muhammad Asadullah Al-Galib

Total: TK. 90

দ্যা ফিলোসফি অফ লাইফ ইন ইসলাম

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দ্যা ফিলোসফি অফ লাইফ ইন ইসলাম (Paperback)

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TK. 90
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Life and death is the regular rule of the creature. But who has regulated this rule? Man has come up through his parents. But our first Father Adam did not have parents. There are many parents who remain childless. Who is the owner of bestowing children or not? Who breathes life into our little lifeless body in our mother's womb? Who will take the soul out of our body? Have we ever seen our soul? Who is the owner of check and balance in the number of men and women throughout the world?
Having all the things one can feel hunger of not-getting something. That is the mental agony to get reward or punishment in the life after death. If the death is ending, then the mighty one will ravage others. Then what is the consolation of the weak and powerless man? There is no answer of it to the Sceptics and Atheists, who are leading their lives hopelessly and aimlessly as a vagabond, though they claim themselves most intelligent.
Work without a worker, writting without a writter, speach without a speaker, creature without a creator, design without a designer is ever possible? Here arises the question of belief in Allah strongly, as the creator and cherisher of the universe; as well as the question of getting results in the life Hereafter, where the oppressor will get punishment properly and the oppressed will get his reward properly. Here comes the question of Philosophy of Life, the question of faith in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, who will show the way of salvation in the life Hereafter as well as the path of good and bad in worldly life.
In this book, the purpose and roadmap of human life are discussed. And also the philosophy of life based on Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), Risalat (prophethood), and Akhirat (the life Hereafter) is explained.
Title দ্যা ফিলোসফি অফ লাইফ ইন ইসলাম
Edition 1st Edition, November 2023
Number of Pages 99
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দ্যা ফিলোসফি অফ লাইফ ইন ইসলাম

Muhammad Asadullah Al-Galib

৳ 90 ৳90.0

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