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নজরুল : দ্য গিফট অব দ্য সেঞ্চরি image

নজরুল : দ্য গিফট অব দ্য সেঞ্চরি (Hardcover)

Rezaul K. Talukdar

TK. 400 Total: TK. 320
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নজরুল : দ্য গিফট অব দ্য সেঞ্চরি

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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নজরুল : দ্য গিফট অব দ্য সেঞ্চরি (Hardcover)

TK. 400 TK. 320 You Save TK. 80 (20%)
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Product Specification & Summary

Kazi Nazrul Islam, one of the greatest poets and music personalities of 20th century is an undiscovered mystery till today. His life was a triumph and tragedy. The popularly known Rebel Poet brought a revolutionary change in the landscape of Bengali music and literature. He came with the thunderclaps and with the rain of tears. To introduce him with the global connoisseurs of music and literature, this book is written and first of its kind. With the dissemination of his creations, soon, undoubtedly, he would be recognized as one of the greatest geniuses of the world. Kazi Nazrul Islam, the National Poet of Bangladesh, is the poet of universal brotherhood and humanity. For the greater interest of the global peace and humanity his monumental works are greatly needed to be translated in different languages without any further delay. It is with a sense of pride and feeling of delight that we could publish the fourth edition of the book. We should consider this publication amply rewarded if it serves its purpose.
Title নজরুল : দ্য গিফট অব দ্য সেঞ্চরি
ISBN 978-984-8435-07-7
Edition 4th Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 144
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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নজরুল : দ্য গিফট অব দ্য সেঞ্চরি

Rezaul K. Talukdar

৳ 320 ৳400.0

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