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দি আর্ট অব গ্লোবাল ফাইনান্সঃ স্ট্রাটেজিস ফর মানি মার্কেট কন্ট্রোল image

দি আর্ট অব গ্লোবাল ফাইনান্সঃ স্ট্রাটেজিস ফর মানি মার্কেট কন্ট্রোল (Paperback)

Rifat Mahbub Sakib

TK. 255 Total: TK. 204
You Saved TK. 51


দি আর্ট অব গ্লোবাল ফাইনান্সঃ স্ট্রাটেজিস ফর মানি মার্কেট কন্ট্রোল

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দি আর্ট অব গ্লোবাল ফাইনান্সঃ স্ট্রাটেজিস ফর মানি মার্কেট কন্ট্রোল (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

In "The Art of Global Finance: Strategies for Money Market Control," Rifat Mahbub Sakib draws on his extensive 15-year career in banking, finance advising, motivation, and social welfare activism to provide readers with a comprehensive guide to navigating global money markets. The book delves into vital topics essential for understanding and mastering the dynamics of this complex financial landscape.
The journey begins with exploring the Evolution of Global Money Markets, setting the stage for a profound understanding of the subject. Sakib then meticulously unravels the Role of Interest Rates in Money Market Control, shedding light on the intricate dance between rates and market dynamics.
Readers are introduced to the Key Players in the Global Money Market, gaining insights into the diverse participants shaping these financial arenas. Sakib navigates Economic Events and Risk Management in Money Markets, providing valuable strategies for mitigating risks associated with market fluctuations.
Government Regulation of Money Markets is explored, offering readers an understanding of the regulatory frameworks governing these critical financial spaces. Liquidity Management Strategies are dissected, providing practical approaches for maintaining financial fluidity.
The book further delves into advanced topics such as Financial Derivatives in Money Market Trading, Technology and Risk Management, and Global Trends in Money Market Investments. Currency Fluctuations and Money Market Instruments are analyzed, and Sakib provides a nuanced discussion on the role of Credit Rating Agencies and Money Market Instruments.
Securitization in Money Markets and Risk Management, Interest Rate Risk Management Strategies, and the role of Money Market Funds in Investment Portfolios are thoroughly examined. The impact of Geopolitical Events on Global Money Markets is explored, and Emerging Market Trends in Money Market Instruments are discussed.
Institutional Investors in Money Markets, Regulatory Changes, and Counterparty Risk Management in Money Market Transactions are dissected to equip readers with a holistic understanding. Sakib concludes with a forward-looking perspective on Future Developments in Global Money Markets, offering readers insights into what lies ahead.
"The Art of Global Finance" is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking a deep understanding of money market intricacies. Sakib's expertise and insightful analysis make this book an invaluable resource for finance professionals, investors, and anyone interested in mastering the complexities of global money markets.
Title দি আর্ট অব গ্লোবাল ফাইনান্সঃ স্ট্রাটেজিস ফর মানি মার্কেট কন্ট্রোল
ISBN 9789849847717
Edition 1st Edition, 2024
Number of Pages 112
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দি আর্ট অব গ্লোবাল ফাইনান্সঃ স্ট্রাটেজিস ফর মানি মার্কেট কন্ট্রোল

Rifat Mahbub Sakib

৳ 204 ৳255.0

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