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ইকোনমিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট টু এল্লেভিয়েট পবার্টি image

ইকোনমিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট টু এল্লেভিয়েট পবার্টি (Paperback)

Rifat Mahbub Sakib

TK. 240 Total: TK. 192
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ইকোনমিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট টু এল্লেভিয়েট পবার্টি

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ইকোনমিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট টু এল্লেভিয়েট পবার্টি (Paperback)

Building a Prosperous Future for all

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Product Specification & Summary

Imagine gleaning innovative wisdom about economic development from an experienced banking professional, Rifat Mahbub Sakib. His book, "Economic Development to Alleviate Poverty," isn't just a guide. It's a treasure map leading you to success in today's dynamic financial landscape. Let’s weave together his theoretical knowledge with practical gems.
This book highlights the impact of "Agricultural Development" on modern businesses. He covers essential topics such as Biotechnology, Precision Farming, Modern Technologies, Agricultural Training, etc. He then explores "Big Industry Development on Economic Growth". This section covers the strategies for entrepreneurs for sustainable economic growth in the Big Industry.
Sakib doesn’t lag behind the Small Industry entrepreneurs. His next attempt is for “Small Industry Development on Economic Growth”. He has everything covered, whether you need strategies to overcome current challenges, recommendations for future actions or poverty reductions in low-income countries.
He took his next step towards “Labour Market development for increasing Remittances on Economic Development”. In this initial step, he covers “Partnerships and Collaborations”, “Overcome Business Challenges”, and “Skill Development Programs for Migrant Workers”. He examines the enduring influence of education and skill enhancement on the economic stability of migrant workers and their origin countries.
The upcoming exploration centers on "The economic development of poor countries with share markets." This encompasses three key facets: the "Role of Share Markets in Empowering Local Entrepreneurs," "Investment Opportunities for Local Entrepreneurs," and "Strategies for Enhancing Access to Share Markets." The discussion touches upon how share ownership enables entrepreneurs to diversify funding sources and expand sustainably.
Remember, this is just a starting point. No business journey is smooth sailing. Sakib equips you with more than just a book; It's a Compass:
In “Economic Development to Alleviate Poverty," Rifat Mahbub Sakib offers:
A comprehensive guide that seamlessly integrates theoretical knowledge with practical insights. An essential handbook for those aspiring to venture into entrepreneurship, equipping them with the necessary tools and confidence to initiate and expand their enterprises.
Modern strategies to overcome barriers and adeptly navigate the dynamic business environment.
Title ইকোনমিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট টু এল্লেভিয়েট পবার্টি
ISBN 9789849847700
Edition 1st Edition, 2024
Number of Pages 104
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ইকোনমিক ডেভেলপমেন্ট টু এল্লেভিয়েট পবার্টি

Rifat Mahbub Sakib

৳ 192 ৳240.0

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