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আন্ডার দ্যা ভেইল অফ মেটাফোরস image

আন্ডার দ্যা ভেইল অফ মেটাফোরস (Paperback)

Nuren Mahnur Sukanna

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আন্ডার দ্যা ভেইল অফ মেটাফোরস

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আন্ডার দ্যা ভেইল অফ মেটাফোরস (Paperback)

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In my mind, I always pictured myself as the Protagonist of a book. Just that, the pages were bare, the manuscript unwritten, the story untold. And so, I figured, why not paint a self portrait? The canvas is bare ‘fore me after all. So I did. With an array of surreal visions always swarming in my head, I inked my inkling and put patches of hues in white papers. Soon the portrait started framing into a shape, though in abstract. And in my orb, abstracts were metaphors. These pages cradle my entire life coated metaphorically, in camouflages. And somewhere in this journey of growing up and painting this self portrait did I figure, the beauty of the art of camouflage lied in the diversity and contrast of it. I could fit myself in any unorthodoxy, take up a handful of elements around me, rearrange them in any form and boom. Here comes a whole new cosmos for me to explore. And thus the book “Under the Veil of Metaphors” came into being. A book where I want you to see your own bizarres through mine, your own eyes to explore more colors than mine. For that’s how miracles are brewed. And life- no matter the span- is never short of a miracle.
Title আন্ডার দ্যা ভেইল অফ মেটাফোরস
ISBN 9789849816546
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 138
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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আন্ডার দ্যা ভেইল অফ মেটাফোরস

Nuren Mahnur Sukanna

৳ 240 ৳300.0

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