A Theory of Public Management attempts to provide a theoretical framework comprising a conceptual, constructual and empirical platform for describing, explaining, analyzing and interpreting public administration and public management in Bangladesh. A number of research methods have been utilized to make the study multimethod and multioperational. Related to this is a review of management theories, ranging from classical theory and human relations theory through contingency theory and new public management to postmodern theory. Our theory – interaction theory –probes certain theoretical elements – foundational, attributive, functional, analytical and additive – and empiricizes and problematizes the Bangladesh achievements, realities, practices, perceptions, propensities, pathologies, potentials and intentionalities. Two specific correlates, e.g. publicness and activism, extend and enhance the study. This study is about that genre of public management, which shows quintessentially people focus, people orientation, people concern, people interest and people management, and where people participation and people empowerment are the driving forces.