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বাংলাদেশ উইল গো এ লং ওয়ে image

বাংলাদেশ উইল গো এ লং ওয়ে (Hardcover)

Md. Shahabuddin Chappu

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বাংলাদেশ উইল গো এ লং ওয়ে

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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বাংলাদেশ উইল গো এ লং ওয়ে (Hardcover)

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Bangladesh. He has been able to turn himself a living legend. He has been an active participant and tireless activist in different epoch making events taking place at different turning points of the history of this country since the sixties of the last century. He had been at the front lines as a participant in Six Point Movement in nineteen sixty six, in the Maize Movement of sixty seven, in the Mass Insurrection of sixty nine, during the election of seventy and above all a fighter in the battle fields of nineteen seventy one. As a dauntless supporter of Bangabandhu’s ideals, he underwent a sentence to incarceration for three years.
As a patriotic citizen, he has performed the duties assigned to him with honesty, sincerity, obedience and praiseworthy skills in his work places. This book has been planned to include his columns that he wrote with his wisdom derived from various moments of experience in course of life. Every page of this book displays the narrative of life, struggles and ideals of a person who has reached the peak from the root through experience gleaned from every plait of history. It may be firmly annunciated that this book will be able to satisfy the curiosity of readers of all walks of life.
Title বাংলাদেশ উইল গো এ লং ওয়ে
ISBN 9789840431960
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 232
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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বাংলাদেশ উইল গো এ লং ওয়ে

Md. Shahabuddin Chappu

৳ 800 ৳1000.0

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