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Marketing in Crisis (Hardcover)

Professor Dr. Mijanur Rahman

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Marketing in Crisis

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Marketing in Crisis (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Business world is always dynamic. There is no guarantee that some product, idea or strategy will last even tomorrow. That is why, the business leaders of all the functions of businesses need to remain cautious. Especially, the marketers always on their toes because of this changing nature of the business world.
So, it can be surmised that the marketers always remain in a crisis situation. Does that mean that the marketers would fail if any challenging situation arise? The answer is a big no. There are numerous companies which instead thrived at the times of recession and other crises. How did they do it? The successful marketers followed some amazing strategies and tools to survive the tidal waves of crises. This book discusses with such tools and strategies, real life examples, contextual anecdotes etc. that can help the marketers survive (and even thrive in some cases!) in crisis situations like recessions, pandemics, political unrests etc.
It is a survival manual for the marketers to navigate through tough times. This book is a must for any marketer or business leader intending to steer the business through dire circumstances.
Title Marketing in Crisis
ISBN 9789843532817
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 176
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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Marketing in Crisis

Professor Dr. Mijanur Rahman

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