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এ্যা লেটার টু মাই সান এ মেমৌর (Hardcover)

Tahsinur Chowdhury

TK. 500 Total: TK. 380
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 এ্যা লেটার টু মাই সান এ মেমৌর

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ্যা লেটার টু মাই সান এ মেমৌর (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

It has been thirty-five years since your father passed away. I am the sole witness to my family's countless joys and sorrows. From British India to Bangladesh, I have seen a lot. Time blessed me with the age and fortune to see the weddings of my grandchildren! With that, I feel that I have seen my share of the world. I have this fleeting feeling that there isn't much left for me to see. However, I long to meet your daughter Aneesa. Bring her to me. I want to see her before I am called for.
Title এ্যা লেটার টু মাই সান এ মেমৌর
Edition 1st Published, 2023
Number of Pages 142
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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 এ্যা লেটার টু মাই সান এ মেমৌর

Tahsinur Chowdhury

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